declare -A PORT_TO_APPS=(
for port in "${!PORT_TO_APPS[@]}";
echo "========${port} : ${PORT_TO_APPS[${port}]}===================="
sudo fuser ${OPTS} ${port}/tcp
echo " "
Use gdebi
instead of dpkg
locate mysql | grep ^.*/mysql$
grep -I -R "text to search for" /a/b/c
grep -I -R "port=5001" --include=*.py ./
mkdir package-name
cd package-name
equivs-control controlfile
...edit that control file, fill information: equivis-build controlfile
tar -zxvf file.tar.gz
tar -zxvf file.tar.gz file-can-extract
tar -jxvf file.tar.bz2 --wildcards "s*"
tar czf output.tar.gz input-file-or-folder
tar -C /path/to/folder/containing/file/or/folder/to/tar -czf /output/folder/output.tar.gz filename-or-folder-name-to-tar
tar -tvf file-tar
tar -rvf file.tar file-can-update
tar -cvpz /path to zip | split -d -b 3900m - /name/of/backup.tar.gz
cat *tar.gz* | tar -xvpzf - -C /
uname -a
free -m
# every 5 seconds and output to console
watch -n 55 free -m run "free -m"
==> just look at line: -/+ buffer/cache
then press m
ps aux | awk '{print $4"\t"$11}' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2" "$1" "$3}' | sort -nr
# or
ps -eo pmem,pcpu,size,pid,cmd | sort -k 1 -nr | head -5
# (size in KB)
chmod 755 $(find . -type d)
chmod 755 $(find . ! -type d)
List open ports
fuser -v 8080/tcp
# kill
fuser -vk 8080/tcp
# or
netstat -lnptu | grep 8080
# or
lsof -i :8080
netstat -ntlp | grep LISTEN
nc -zv <IP> <port range>
sudo date MMddhhmmYYYY.ss
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
df -h
sudo iotop
du -m --max-depth=1 /home | sort -nk1
# create mount point (for example)
sudo mkdir /mnt/samba
sudo chattr +i /mnt/samba
sudo mount.cifs //<IP>/sharedfolder /mnt/samba -o user=..,password=..,uid=..
see http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man5/systemd.mount.5.html
or: man systemd.mount
sudo apt install nfs-common
# list all exported NFS directories on the NAS server
showmount --exports NFS-server-IP
# create mount point
sudo mkdir /mnt/nfs
sudo chattr +i /mnt/nfs
# /etc/fstab
NFS-server-IP:/path/the/share /mnt/nfs nfs nfsvers=4,clientaddr=IP-of-this-manchine,rw,suid,dev,user,exec,sync,_netdev,noatime,proto=tcp,sec=sys,x-systemd.after=network-online.target,x-systemd.device-timeout=5s,x-systemd.automount 0 0
systemctl daemon-reload
sed -i 's/ugly/beautiful/g' <text file>
grep -in "string" <file>
sed -n '10000000,10000020p' filename
sed -i '1d' filename
tr -d '\015' < dos-file > output-unix-file
sed -i '1s/^/text /' file
echo "text" >> file
n -s source/folder dest/container
ln -sf source/folder here
Symbolic link | Hard link |
0 stdin
file descriptor1 stdout
file descriptor2 stderr
file descriptorSend output of a background process to file: some_command > some_file.txt 2>&1 &
to the filestdout
, it, in turn, will be forwarded to the file2>&1
but not 2>1
: the & is to indicate that is a file descriptor. Without that, it would be: redirect the stderr
to a file named 1.&
send the projects to backgroundOPTIONS=("Yes - ${STUDYMAP_WEB_VERSION} is the correct version" "No - wrong version")
select CHOICE in "${OPTIONS[@]}"
echo "Your chosen answer: $CHOICE"
case $CHOICE in
"Yes - ${STUDYMAP_WEB_VERSION} is the correct version")
"No - wrong version")
exit 0
echo "Wrong option"
exit 1
# List all config properties files
# causes the array to be empty if there are no files found with globbing
pushd .
shopt -s nullglob
CONFIG_FILES=( config*.properties )
echo "files: ${CONFIG_FILES[@]}"
# Choose one of the config files
echo 'Select the config file you want to run with'
select opt in "${CONFIG_FILES[@]}" "Quit"; do
case ${opt} in
echo 'Stop the script without copying anything'
exit 0
echo "Wrong choice. Please choose one of numbers listed above"
Use builtin bash function getopt
which is standard, not getopts
bash function
function usage() {
echo "Usage: $0
-k <ssh private key> optional, only require if the remote host requires
-h <remote host> required
-u <remote username> required
" 1>&2;
exit 1;
# the leading ":": switch off error reporting mode of getopt since we will handle it by ourselves
# ":" after an option: that option expect an argument, which will be passed to OPTARG variable
while getopts ":h:u:" option; do
case ${option} in
# This to catch invalid options
# in this case, OPTARG contains the option name
echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
# this to catch valid option however an argument is required but missing
echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2
if [ "${REMOTE_USER}" == "" ]; then echo "Remote username is expected"; usage; fi
if [ "${REMOTE_HOST}" == "" ]; then echo "Remote host is expected"; usage; fi
ifconfig -a
sudo tcpdump -i <interface name> -n host <host IP>
brctl show docker0
. More about networking and bridgesFor example Huawei USB stick modem
See Device Reference of usb_modeswitch
sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch
# plug the usb stick in.
# It should be switch automatically to Modem/Networkcard mode from (mass storage mode)
# Otherwise,
# List all USB devices. Find out the Huawei line and take note the <vendor ID>:<product ID>
# For example
# Bus 001 Device 003: ID 12d1:14db Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E353/E3131
# 12d1: vendor ID of Huawei
# 14db: is the product ID when it was switched to Modem/Networkcard mode
# if it is still in mass storage mode, its ID will be: 1f01
# To switch from Mass-storage mode to Modem/Networkcard mode
sudo usb_modeswitch -default-vendor 12d1 --default-product 1f01 --huawei-new-mode
# Determine the ethernet card that the modem is registering
# catch the line like
# [ 4988.931717] cdc_ether 3-6:1.0 <ethernet card name is here>: register 'cdc_ether' at usb-0000:00:14.0-6, CDC Ethernet Device, **:**:**:**:**:**
# register the card name in netplan yml file. Something like
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: true
# Then
sudo netplan apply
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/tribao-bit -C "[email protected]"
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/tribao-bit
# start the agent AND set environment variables
eval `ssh-agent -s`
# add ssh key to the agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/tribao-bit
To start ssh-agent automatically:
Edit file ~/.profile
if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] ; then
eval `ssh-agent -s`
Host bitbucket.org
HostName bitbucket.org
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/tribao-bit
User tribao
:set number
==> show line number
==> move to line <number>
==> delete the current line
==> delete to the line end
==> delete to the line start
==> go to end line
==> go to end file
==> go to line start
==> go to start file
==> switch insert mode
==> escape insert mode
==> search for phase
==> undo
# list all file >5MB from the current directory
find ./ -type f -size +5000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'
curl -o <file to write to local disk> -SL <url>
wget -O <file to write to local disk> -S <url>
or unlimited
like other limits. The max value can be seen by
$ cat /proc/sys/fs/nr_open
Add a login user
# with sudo permission
sudo useradd -G sudo -m -s /bin/bash <username>
sudo passwd <username>
# determine device name (e.g. /dev/sdb)
sudo lsblk --fs
# optional, used when the disk has already had filesystem
sudo wipefs <device name>
#make partition
# the following sfdisk commands won't work if the disk is > 2TB. use parted
#sudo sfdisk <device name> << EOF
sudo parted <device name>
(parted) print
(parted) mklabel gpt
(parted) mkpart
Partition name? []?
File system type? [ext2]? ext4
Start? 0%
End? 100%
(parted) print
# For disks that have already parted, use fdisk, as following
sudo fdisk <device name>
# then following the interaction instruction
# create ext4 filesystem
sudo mkfs.ext4 <device name>1
# reclaim all reserved blocks - 5%
sudo tune2fs -m 1 <device name>1
#create mount point
sudo mkdir /<mountpoint dir>
# this command will make the mount point director immutable for all user even root!
# only mutable when a filesystem is mounted on it. Use it instead of "sudo mkdir -m 000 /<mountpoint dir>"
sudo chattr +i /<mountpoint dir>
# Get UUID of the new partition
lsblk -f
# /etc/fstab
# use UUID instead of device name because if using something like /dev/sdb1,
# when a new disk is installed on the server or the existing disk was relocated
# (swap cable), the device name will changed!!!
UUID=<fill the UUID> /<mout point> auto defaults 0 2
sudo mount <mout point>
# system boot-up performance statistics
sudo systemd-analyze blame
# view log of one service, tail and follow
sudo journal -f -u docker.service
# show log of one service, newest lines first
sudo journalctl -r -u docker.service
# show kernel logs from previous boot
# Augment log lines with explanation texts from the message catalog (-x)
sudo journalctl -x -k -b -1
# view disk consumption. It shows the sum of the disk usage of both ARCHIVED and ACTIVE journal files,
sudo journalctl --disk-usage
# all currently active journal files are marked as archived and renamed (--rotate)
# remove archived journal files until the disk space they use is under 500M
sudo journalctl --rotate --vacuum-size=500M